Sunday, March 7, 2010

I've taken so long to update my blog. It's not because of no interesting event to update here but I'm too attached with my office works and family. Finally, all the hard works paid off when we successfully managed organizing TNBF's first Business Plan Retreat outside PJ on 5th - 6th March 2010 at TNB PD Condo. Fuhh, such a relieved and I'm very happy saw all my friends very happy with the program organized.


One of the memorable event was TNBF's Masquerade Party. This was the most happening event ever for most of TNBF's staff. We really enjoyed ourselves and the most important things that we've identified the new talents for singing, dancing and acting. Yes, TNBF has a lot of talented personnel. Can you imagine Asihin danced, MD and GMO acted like a PRO. 

I'm happy being a part of this company and I wish the culture that we have can be shared with others department. We fought, argued and showed our sour face but after that we forgive and forget. It's just like a family but it was not by flesh and blood but the heart which makes us like brothers and sisters. 

I wish we could have more activities like this and I already told my closest friends that I might propose to MD to make an arrangement for team building program to be held at a place that is more challenging and definitely more thrill. I hope my wish comes true someday. I LOVE U TNBF. =)


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