Monday, May 24, 2010

I always thought that I could write better when I'm happy. Normally, I will always visualized love and happy ending story and drawn the plots and story layout for my novel. Well, not many people knows that I love writing. I started with this hobby since school days and I think I should spend more time to polish my talent. Who knows I might be one of the famous author one day, just like Judith Mc Naught. However, sadly to say that the novel never been produced in the market because I don't have the courage to publish it yet. And nobody could give me that courage until today.

As for me, I'm always in mood to write something when I am happy. But sometimes, when I'm sad, I think I could write better because I can express my feeling and thought. Like tonight, I'm pissed off with someone that I would rather not to mention name here. He simply blamed me over things that he already knew and decided. It's okay if you just want to express you dissatisfaction but again, you won't know that you might hurt others people feeling due to something that they not even do. Nobody perfect, either you or me. But before we blame other people, we should ask ourself, if we are at their position, are we going to act better than that? Or am I right to scold them over something that already discussed and agreed. Am I good enough compared to other people?

Well, it's easy to say but hard to practice. I think I should apply more empathy concept when come to managing people. What you give is what you get. Maybe not today and tomorrow but later, you might be at their position when you don't manage it properly. 

By the way, it is time for reviewing back my blog, I've started it in December 2009, every month I posted my story here and I stop for short while in April, now I'm back. I hope I could be more consistent after this. Oh yeah!, I've good news to share here. Finally, I received my promotion letter today. Thank You Allah for blessing me with this rezeki, Thank You to my family, bosses and friend who has supported me all the while. Alhamdulillah. Thanks and Love u all


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