Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The statement is so meaningful and important to be understood by people who wants to have more friends in their life.You should never ask someone to be your friend while standing in their space and not paying attention to what is going on in their life. A real friend will notice when there is turmoil and chaos - without the words being spoken - and reach out a hand to help. 

A real friend is someone to be cherished and loved, someone you hold dear, someone you naturally find yourself protecting, someone you will drop everything for to help. A friend is someone who cares so much about your well-being that they will never ask you for anything. They won't have to.

A friend never borrows large sums of money. A friend would never sell you their old vehicle or their house. The person you marry should be your best friend. A real friend will always say "I'm sorry" when they have hurt or disappointed you. 

The question is am I be friend enough to my friends. I hope I am and I always will. As a return I really hope I have enough friends to cherish me for sad and happy moments. I love all my friends.

Note : Today, I attended PSMB course and I make friend with 3 new people (Leza, Tracy & Irene). Nice meeting and knowing you girls.


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