Sunday, January 3, 2010

My kids really had a good times yesterday. All school stuffs purchased already and they are ready to start their new school year. Looking at the smiling and happy faces shown by them, I remember those days during my childhood. My parents couldn't affort to buy new things every year, normally I just used whatever I had last year. I'm not lucky as much as my children have nowadays. My husband keep advising my children to improve their score since my daughter will take her UPSR this year and my eldest son need to prepare for his PMR next year.

I really hope that they listened to what his said and be better person in the future. Normally parents willing to sacrifice a lot of things to their children and sometimes our children just couldn't understand the real meaning behind all the advices given. As a parents, we just need to provide the best to our children and let them understand that this life is about to choose between bad and good, worst and better, rich and poor and etc. Do our level best to give support and guidance so that they will choose the best for their life


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